Saturday, January 24, 2009

spectrum 6

i have experienced my very first hockey game today. and I almost froze to death. it was an outside rink and barely above 1 degree. aside from the fact this was taking place in Mongolia and having no previous experience to compare it with, i believe it was fairly akin to most other hockey games. there were fights and checks and penalties and crazy plays and screaming and to spice it up some foreigner decided to come armed with every naughty four letter word he knew and a couple cans of beer. once a referee was smacked in the face with a flying puck that split open is chin. later I discovered that referees are supposed to wear helmets just like the players in case anything like this happens. none of the referees there felt this was a necessary precaution.

at home i stuck my feet in between the rungs of the radiator and waited for the feeling to return to my toes. i took quick note that two layers on bottom and five layers on top plus a hat, scarf, mittens, and wool socks simply aren't enough for outdoor-stand-around hockey games in the middle of a Mongolian winter.

but i was still happy i went.

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